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It’s time to say goodbye to a very old friend

Which friend you ask? Well Without the Bollocks of course. That friend. A blog, Facebook page, Twitter handle, and a YouTube channel I’ve already revamped into a family channel. Without the Bollocks has been part of my life since I published the first blog on this platform back in May 2010. That blog was The ghost who tried to shag me and well, it started as it meant to go on. I’ve shared a lot on this blog. The journey with my boys. The heart ache of the journey with Lex. My beautiful husband. Love. Stupidity. Life. Anger. Adventures. More love. Friendships. Beauty. Kindness. Frustrations. Well you name it, I’ve probably talked about it. Original branding The popular blogs have always been the personal or the controversial - naturally.  The top three, based on numbers? My son has a speech delay – period has had more than 15,000 views and I’ve made a lot of deep connections with parents around the world, going through similar challenges, and like us, having nowhere to go...

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