Oh Haze How I Despise Thee
It’s been more than a week of haze and last night the pollution index passed 200 in Singapore –
that’s really really unhealthy and it’s horrible to live in it. I hate the
haze. I went through the worst in Singapore’s recorded history back in 2013,
when it went well over 700 – which
meant acrid, orange smoke everywhere. I was a miserable cow during that time
and I was also scared.
I didn’t understand how this would impact us until a friend from
India explained it’s like this regularly in his hometown of Delhi. That helped
me to chill a bit. While still not pleasant, it was short-term and it made me
sick to think that much of the world’s population live in these conditions all
year round.
Back in 2013 I looked more deeply into what caused it and
why. Quite simply, bushfires in Indonesia (Borneo and Sumatra), caused by the burning
of native forests so they can plant palm trees for palm oil production. Why do
we need palm oil? For cooking obviously, but it’s also a core product in household
goods like soaps, chocolate and more. That inspired me to write
this blog, pleading with the world to stop buying products containing palm
oil. We have so many options that don’t contain it, but more importantly, if we
don’t stop, not only does it mean this region has to suffer the haze every year,
but every person on earth will be responsible for the extinction of the Orangutans and the Sumatran Tigers.
We don’t have long until this becomes a reality. Are you
happy to have these two magnificent creatures go extinct on your watch? And it’s
not just these two – many species are at risk due to the illegal slashing and
I’m not happy about this threat and the blogs I write are my
way of trying to make a difference. So please, I beg you, next time you go
shopping, look at your shopping basket. What are you buying? Are you buying extinction?
If you are, please can you stop? Just do a little research and understand the
situation we’re in, because if everyone made conscious buying decisions we can make
an impact. We can also speak to the corporations and force them to stop using
palm oil. We have power and we can change things by being conscious buyers.
The other reason it’s so important right now, is if we can
stop the use of illegal palm oil, we can stop it before it really gets out of
control. With much of Asia experiencing rising incomes, it means billions of
people will soon be able to afford the products we’ve taken for granted for
decades. The sheer scale of demand guarantees that our world will be fucked,
and we must do something before this happens.
But I am getting frustrated. Is anyone listening? Do we
appreciate that we all have to take responsibility? Do we know we are the
change needed? I don’t know but I’ll keep writing about it. I don’t know what
else to do. I just wish more people started to care.
In the meantime, my eyes are itchy, puffy and weepy, my head
is aching, and the entire family feels like shit. The good thing is none of us
suffers from asthma, so it’s uncomfortable but not deadly for us. However, many
of my friends living here are having a much worse time of it. Then of course, I
cannot forget that much of the world’s population live in these appalling
conditions all year round – not because of bush-fires in Sumatra and Borneo, but
because of horrible pollution. It’s revolting. It’s changed my mind about
living in India one day. I just couldn’t cope with it.
If you’re in this region, and suffering, I send my love
(Pamela and Sheona I’m thinking of you). If you’re not in this region and
wondering what we’re all carrying on about, come and see it for yourself – we’ve
got another week of it scheduled. I’m sure the flights are cheap. It’s truly
horrendous. But whether you come and see if for yourself or not, please, make a
difference. You can. You just need to think that little bit more about what you
The problem is most of my community are already conscious consumers.
We think about what we buy and its impact on the world. So we all need to take
the conversation beyond us. We need to help those who don’t see the light. Many
people I speak with are completely oblivious to the idea of conscious buying.
Can you help me speak to them? This blog
had a lot of research if it helps.
In the meantime, I’m looking forward to the haze being over,
but we’ve got another week of it, so we’ll have to get through it. Then again,
I’m sure the government is doing everything in its power to sort this out
before the Singapore Grand Prix. This dazzling city can’t be blanketed in haze
when the world turns its attention on it right?
Yours, without the bollocks