Patience and Love
To try and
ensure I’m a peaceful, loving and attentive Mum I came up with a mantra –
patience and love. I repeat it throughout the day, but when I can feel a yell
coming on, I close my eyes, repeat it to myself, and then I deal with whatever
chaotic situation I am faced with in a loving, quiet voice. That's the goal anyway. They’re just kids
and we all know kids are going to drive us nuts as they push and test us, all
the while working out who they are. But I’m the adult and working out a way to
deal with it to ensure we’re all happy is what drives me. The reality is,
yelling gets me nowhere with my boys, but when I approach situations in a calm
and easy manner - shit they respond better, usually doing what they’re told the
first time. It’s like a miracle every time.
My mantra really
works for me and while it’s easy to forget it in the heat of the moment, I find
that when I do remember it – as I am this month as it’s part of my FIE focus
for January – it ensures a much calmer and happier household. The household
vibe is definitely calmer with Steve and I focused on making sure it is so. The
reality is we just want a happy home – that’s it, our only goal.
So can anyone
else recommend something they do or have any advice that gets them great
results with their kids and makes them happier to boot?
Yours, without
the bollocks